At the close of an extremely trying year of lockdowns, our challenge was to create a lighthearted holiday campaign to encourage prospective residential customers to bring home the connection made possible by satellite internet.

When the residential services team asked for a holiday campaign to incentivize new home internet orders while avoiding tired lockdown themes, we knew we had an opportunity to inspire a festive chuckle. Envisioning the childhood delight at finding a perfectly wrapped toy under the tree, we decided there would be nothing better than receiving a high-speed internet connection where the options were limited, especially after a year reliant on dependable internet.

Viasat-themed wrapping paper perfectly covers a receiver dish, catching the eye with provocative holiday cheer and a compelling special offer. This campaign played well across both print and digital channels, and several team members still have hopeful visions of branded wrapping paper and holiday sweater patterns dancing in their heads.

Project completed on the Viasat in-house creative team.

Creative direction: Clay Black
Art direction: Tara Stone
Design + illustration: Abbie Goetting
Copywriting: Shaan Kirpalani
Rendering: Kevin Powell