Growing customer interest in products for larger lawns sparked Sunday to reformulate and add to their dry fertilizer offerings, and with it, an opportunity to refresh the line of packaging to better match the backyard appeal of the Sunday brand.

Since the introduction of Core Seagreen dry fertilizer, Sunday had established a packaging style to match the friendly, approachable backyard vibes aligned with their mission of people, pet, and planet friendly lawn care. With the reformulation of this dry fertilizer product and the addition of a new offering, Core Endurance dry fertilizer, came the opportunity to evolve this new line of products to better leverage Sunday’s promise of lush, healthy backyard grass and science-based benefits while celebrating the fun and ease of a healthier backyard.

A verdant backyard feel, clarified information architecture, and punchy color coding enables the consumer to quickly recognize the benefits and ease within each bag of this new-and improved Sunday dry fertilizer.

Project completed at Sunday

Creative direction: Rebecca Yaffe
Packaging design: Abbie Goetting
Illustration: Abbie Goetting
Copywriting: Jenni Hanley