As part of the in-house creative team at Viasat, one of our challenges is to ensure our social marketing outreach stays fresh and engaging to capture to attention of prospective customers.

As part of a telecommunications company, the Viasat creative team is frequently asked to produce infographics to explain our products, services, and benefits. Although infographics are an engaging way to serve up complex content, today’s shorter attention spans can quickly scroll right on by in the context of social media.

When the business aviation team asked for a content-heavy infographic explaining the benefits of Viasat in-flight wi-fi, it seemed the perfect opportunity to break our traditional vertical layout to explore the storytelling format of a social carousel. This updated approach was met with excitement from our social media team, who were confident the swipeable cadence would encourage more engagement. After showing positive results, this horizontal format is now a popular template for incoming social infographic requests from various business areas.

Project completed as part of the Viasat in-house creative team.

Creative direction: Clay Black
Art direction: Tara Stone
Design + illustration: Abbie Goetting
Copywriting: Debbie Anderson